
Resilience Story: Meet P

I am so excited to introduce P as the very first Resilience Story feature!  She is a dear friend who has given me a lot of inspiration and motivation since the day i met her.  I'm sure her words will ring true for you as well. 


We would love to hear about what parts you connect with in the comments! 

1. Name: P

2. Hometown: Queens, NY

3. Current town: Canton, CT

4. Favorite song? depends on the day, todays song was "call me home" by the dreggs

5. Favorite book?  the alchemist

6. Favorite recipe? Ive made chrissy tiegans banana bread the most

7. What does resilience mean to you? ability to adapt to the circumstances; be it with a comeback to the same path, or to change course all together. 

8. Describe a time when you were so happy you felt like singing out loud: I sing out loud all the time, but from pure joy, probably the last time i was in the car with my sister. 

9. Share a story about something you regret or the hardest thing you've even had to go through: My career path is a recent hard thing I have to go through. I think it's only as hard as it is because I feel so alone in this moment. Most other hard things I go through I share the weight of those with my family. When it comes to my choice of career, it is my own, a very individual choice, so the journey feels heavy on my shoulders alone. 

10. What do you do to get through the hard times? I let myself feel the feelings of the situation. I pray. I workout to feel better physically at least. I rely on the fact that the hardship is temporary.

11. What is one thing you can't live without? my family (husband, siblings, parents)

12. Describe what you are going through now in one word, and then explain: Acceptance: I am trying to find acceptance in my current situation. In both, that the future I had planned will never be, and that maybe the future I planned was not meant for me. I have put so much toward it, and the continuous closed doors of it show me I am meant for something different. I just have to accept this unplanned path, and flow with the change. 

13. What is the one thing that you are most proud of? my relationships

14. If you were to offer one piece of advice to other women, what would it be? follow your intuition, it won't lead you astray.

15. If you got to be Oprah for a day and give everyone one product, what would you choose? a blender- to make almond butter/ banana smoothies with

Don't forget to show her some love in the comments below!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    K (Friday, 22 January 2021 08:34)

    Sometimes the path we don't choose turns out to be the best thing we never knew we wanted/needed! Best wishes to you on your journey